ISO 45001 Certification

The ISO 45001 standard defines the valid criteria for occupational health and safety management systems worldwide. These criteria were put in place with the aim of improving employee safety, reducing risks in the workplace, creating better and safer working conditions, improving employee well-being, and preserving the health and safety of the business environment (customers, users, visitors, etc.).

DOSIM Group obtains ISO 45001 certification in March 2021. Most OHSAS requirements are maintained in the ISO 45001 standard. Some new requirements have emerged, while others have been revised.


What are the specific features of the ISO 45001 standard?

The specific features of the standard related to Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) are:

  • Taking into account the business environment
  • Creating a healthy and secure working environment
  • Taking into account the needs and expectations of workers and other interested parties, as well as their involvement
  • More active involvement of the management team with taking responsibility for the effectiveness of the management system
  • In terms of OSH management, the management of risks and opportunities likely to have a positive or negative impact on the results of the management system with the establishment of quantified objectives
  • Increased requirements in terms of workers’ participation and consultation, communication around the management system and purchasing


The DOSIM Group works to protect the health and safety of its employees and its business environment while at the same time meeting the needs of its customers.

The advantages of DOSIM

  • ISO 45001 Certification
  • Safety is a key focus of our company policy
  • Regular information campaigns targeted at our employees